Clean Your Oven with a Pumice Stone

If your oven is filled with greasy drips, hard grime, and food bits, it can be easy to turn to harsh chemicals that burn your nose hairs off to clean your oven. However, there is always a better way—you can clean your oven with a wet pumice stone to scrub away the baked-on stuff.

According to Karen Logan, author of “Clean House Clean Planet,” you simply wet a pumice stone and rub away your problem spots. As long as you keep the stone wet, Logan claims you shouldn’t have to worry about ruining the enamel on your oven, regardless how terrible the sound. If the scrubbing action is too much to handle, you can make a baking soda paste with water and soak the problem areas for 30 minutes and come back to it again.

Also, it’s a good idea not to use the pumice stone on anything metal. If you’re looking to clean your oven racks, just pop ‘em in your bathtub.

No pumice stone? No prob. You can also get away with using steel wool (grade 0000) to clean your oven and get the job done.

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Photo by: JD Hancock | Flickr

Clean Your Oven with a Pumice Stone