Restore Your Towels’ Absorbency

There comes a point in time when your towels do the opposite of what they’re supposed to do, repel water. What’s the good in that?

If you have older towels that just won’t absorb, your problem is most likely from overuse of detergent and fabric softener in your washing machine. This chemical residue builds up on your towels’ fibers. The accumulation results in your towels repelling water and not drying as effectively as they should—causing funky-smelling towels. If you have brand spankin’ new towels, the inability to absorb is caused by another issue: manufacturer coatings and dyes are most likely the culprits in disguise. What’s a person to do? A super easy process, just toss your towels in your washing machine and run it through 2 hot cycles. In the first cycle, add a cup of white vinegar during the rinse phase. In the second cycle, add 1/2 cup of baking soda. Why does baking soda and vinegar work? Glad you asked! According to WikiHow...

When the vinegar (an acid) or the baking soda (an alkaline or base) dissociate (chemically come apart) the atoms are free to recombine with the minerals, salts and other chemicals that have accumulated in forms that more readily rinse away.

You’ll be on your way to restored towels with maximum absorbency in no time.

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Photo by: thomaswanhoff

Restore Your Towels’ Absorbency