This Chef Shows You the Quickest Way to Peel Apples

I love anything apple—apple pie, apple dumplings, apple tarts—you name it. The one downfall? Peeling! If you have a ton of apples to peel, there’s no reason to go through torturous hours of hand-peeling the things. Nope, all you need is a drill and a peeler. This changes everything.

In the video below, Chef Jasper van Ramhorst from the Netherlands needed a ton of peeled apples to fulfill a big order for his tarte Tatin—a French apple tart, upside-down. Hey Chef, if you’re reading this, please send some our way!

Poor Chef Ramhorst couldn’t find any kitchen appliance to get the job done fast enough. What’s a chef to do?? With a little bit of ingenuity going on, the DIY light bulb came on. Why not use a power drill and apple peeler together? That’s exactly what he did.

Chef Ramhorst slaps an apple on a power drill, uses the table to give the fruit extra stability, turns on the drill, and places the peeler against the apples, peeling away like it’s nobody’s business. There’s no need to limit your newly found talent. You can peel pears, potatoes, and really anything else that needs peeling the same way…except carrots…I don’t see that going very well.

By quickly peeling your apples, you get to prepare and process ‘em before they start turning brown, resulting in a delicious final dish.

Moral of the story? Work smarter– working quickly and more efficiently does not equate laziness, it equates pure awesomeness.

How do you like them apples?

Photo by: Andrew Gustar | Flickr

This Chef Shows You the Quickest Way to Peel Apples