Eat Artisan Pizza: How to Make a Brick Oven for $5

Love the taste of a hand-tossed pizza right from your favorite ma & pa pizzeria?  Put away the mortar, this makeshift brick oven is super easy to set up (no construction necessary)! All you need are two layers of unglazed ceramic tiles, or two pizza stones. In no time, you will have a marvelous crust you can’t believe you made in your own oven. "Pizza stone" is a fancy name for an unglazed ceramic tile. How does it work? Besides helping with even heat distribution in your oven, the ceramic tile also allows water to escape from your crust—giving you cooked perfection every time. So, if you don’t have two pizza stones, Instructables user NHLavalanche shows you how using two layers of unglazed ceramic tiles can give you that delicious crust you’re looking for. The base tiles will create a delicious crisp crust, while the top layer increases the temperature, giving off heat to create the slight burnt top. Here are a few words of brick oven pizza wisdom:

"You'll need either 2- 12" pieces of UNGLAZED Ceramic quarry tile or 8 pieces of 6" tiles. Again- they ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO BE UNGLAZED. I purchased mine several years ago from a very well known chain (big box) hardware store for 50 cents a piece. That's $4+ tax for the whole thing. ... Place the stones into the oven while it is cold and bring up to the highest temperature possible... 500 Degree F is mine. I let the over preheat for about 45 minutes to get the stones very hot."

Although you won’t be able to achieve true, 1,000 degree Fahrenheit brick oven pizza temps, this method is super close to the real deal.  Who can resist for something so inexpensive? You'll be making an artisan pizza in no time. Pizza Margherita (and a $5 DIY pizza oven) | Instructables Photo Source: NHLavalanche

Eat Artisan Pizza: How to Make a Brick Oven for $5