Install LED Tape in Your Refrigerator for High-End Lighting

If you find yourself on the showroom floor, browsing and daydreaming about those expensive refrigerators with spectacular lighting, you can now stop foaming at the mouth. While all refrigerators have more light flow when empty, you don’t have to be the victim of dark corners or dimly lit shelving anymore thanks to Instructables user, davidandora. David bought a regular-priced refrigerator at a great price and upgraded his unit by installing LED tape for that high-end lighting. Though there is a little bit to it, this DIY project will leave your fridge with impeccable and deluxe lighting without the price tag. Grab yourself some water-resistant LED tape. You’ll need a couple strands for each side in your refrigerator. In addition to the tape, this project does require a 12V DC transformer, which shouldn’t cause any issues since it is low voltage. You can secure the transformer with some zip ties to get it out of the way, or, depending on your fridge model, place it right in the plastic housing assembly where the light bulb is located. As you could have guessed, the power source for your LED tape is the top light bulb. Though, it goes without saying, this technique will more than likely void any warranty you have due to how you connect the wiring. It’s time to bust out your handy soldering skills as you’ll need to solder the two pieces of the LED tape together with a 22 gauge wire. In case you’re not sure how to solder LED tape, David has a link on his tutorial page to show you how it’s done. Tape and cover the wire alongside the bottom perimeters of the inner cabinet in your fridge, and stick the adhesive LED tape alongside your fridge. Remember, you will need to connect the prewired connector on one side of the LED tape to the transformer. Let’s light things up, shall we? It’s a good idea to turn off and unplug your refrigerator prior to any sort of installation. David ran wires through the lamp assembly, though you could use a lamp socket power adapter to do the trick. What’s great about using your lamp assembly to connect the lighting is this source will allow your LED lights to turn on and off accordingly. Before you know it, you will have an illuminated refrigerator space for less than $100. Since the LED tape is a low power source, you don’t need to worry about overloading the circuits or heating issues. Hit up the link below for David’s tutorial:

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Photo by: davidandora | Instructables

Install LED Tape in Your Refrigerator for High-End Lighting