Learn to Easily Peel Garlic Using Your Microwave

Peeling garlic is time-consuming, and a bit of a tedious process especially when you have a million things to prep in the kitchen. While there are a ton of different methods out there, Jenny Stewart from CHOW Tips offers a simple and easy solution that involves your microwave to help out the otherwise mind-numbing garlic peeling process. Grab a bulb of garlic, toss it in your microwave, and nuke it for about 20 seconds (give or take). The garlic may be hot at first, so exercise caution when you remove it. Jenny shows how easily the cloves slip out of their casings by gently squeezing an end of a clove. Instead of wasting time removing the tiny annoying peels, your garlic will be prepped and peeled for your delicious dish.

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Photo by: quinn.anya

Learn to Easily Peel Garlic Using Your Microwave