When I arrived at customers house I looked in frz. There is a air baffle missing. It channels air into f.f. I tried to look it up but I cannot find it on the marcone site. I know it’s there I have the same model and mine has one. Help. I think the box is not moving air like it should. Thanks

Model Number

Hi. The part number for the freezer air duct i found is WR17X12081. Here are some pictures of it. https://www.google.com/search?q=WR17X12081&safe=active&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS600US600&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj6r6G37eTLAhXHuB4KHReLAA8Q_AUICCgC&biw=1366&bih=623 . Is this what you are looking for? The model number is incomplete. IF you could provide me with the full model number I can look it up better.

    • Guest
    • 8 years ago
    Brian that is not it. It mounts on top of the part you show. As you look in the frz. It is in the top right corner and it directs air into the f.f. Compartment in the top left corner into the air damper. The model is gse25hghbhww
  • Ok. Now that I have your exact model number is shows p# WR17X12358, but I believe its the same thing I sent you. Take a look at that one to see. There are no pictures I could find of this part. It is #167 in this diagram. Could it be #210 on this freezer diagram? http://lookup.appliancevideo.com/lookup/234716/1594990. It could be # 460 or #855 of the fresh food section diagram…http://lookup.appliancevideo.com/lookup/234716/1594994
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