Hello, I love your new website.
My customer has a GE French Door fridge with the freezer on the bottom. I think the board that controls the fans is bad. I am the forth technician to service this fridge. She has had nothing but problems with it since she bought it. A year after, GE replaced the compressor. After that 3 boards were replaced. And more! Now this?..

Model Number
What have you tried so far?

I removed the back panels in the fridge and freezer. Defrosted the fridge evap-area. Checked the fan motors for continuity and the 3 fan motors are good. I heard the freezer fan running. The compressor is working fine.
Do you think that it could be a board problem? If the motors have continuity, why aren’t they coming on?
Please advise.


Hi. This appears to be a Samsung built unit. Make sure you have the door switches closed when checking fan operation. Sometimes it can take 15 seconds or so after the door switch is closed for the fan to start running. Also, with the frost built up on the evaporator, the unit can recognize this and not allow the fan to run either. What did you find to be the reason the evaporator was frosted up? Is it not defrosting, or was the drain tube clogged?Clogged drain tubes and defrost issues are common on these units. After you defrost it, I would recommend to unplug the unit for 15 mins to reset the board. Here are some videos to take a look at that should help you out.

Drain issues

Defrost issues

    • Guest
    • 9 years ago
    Thanks for your response. The drain tube was frozen. The defrost element was dry and clean. I don’t know why it was frozen up. Someone put an aluminum strip that connects to the defrost element down into the drain tube that is about 3″ long. But it doesn’t help. Like I said, I am the forth tech to service this fridge. What do you suggest? Bob
  • They changed the part number for the drain tube to WR02X12751. This means the have changed something about it. Its possible they have redesigned this part to fix this issue. Usually the metal conduit that is attached to the heater now will take care of the issue. You could try a piece of copper wire wrapped around the heater and inserted into the drain as well. I did not find any info on this issue or a fix for it. Other that the conduit and a new drain tube there is not much else you can do. Samsung is know for this issue on many of there models.
  • You have been a life saver to me. The videos are great. I just left my customer, but we have another issue with this blankety blank fridge. Before I left, she asked me about the temperature inside the freezer. Apparently she has several issues. A little over a year after she bought it, she had compressor problems. GE came out and put in a new compressor. Two years later, someone came out and found a leak in the system and fixed it. That was about two years ago. Before I left, I checked the temperature of the compressor and it was cool to the touch. The temperature inside the fridge was dropping. She said that her fridge temperature was OK, but the freezer read 44*. My guess is that the compressor/ lines still has a small leak in the system. Not enough freon to bring the freezer down to a proper temperature. 1. What do you think? 2. I never added freon to a fridge before. The compressor has a valve on it. But, how do I do it? Thanks again Bob

Here are the links to the videos I put in the answer earlier.


I have attached a video for you that shows a compressor install and recharge. Take a look at the end of the video. IT shows how to recharge the system. You will need to reclaim the remaining refrigerant in the system first, just like in the beginning of the video. Then You will need a scale to add in the correct amount of refrigerant, which can be found on the model tag inside the unit.

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